How to find a Sql Server Consultant

Times they are defintely a-changing. How do you find a SQL Server Consultant in this day and age? Call us on 01604 372 652 for a free 30 minute SQL consultation, to see if our companies are a good fit. If we’re busy, leave a message, we’ll get back to you or email us if you prefer. A lot of support companies are really IT companies, and they’re trying to

Azure SQL Health Check

At Sequallity, the SQL Health Check Azure is relatively new, however we have been delivering SQL Server Health Checks for years. If you need an on-premises or virtual SQL Health Check then please click here. There are two complimentary ways to analyse and health check an Azure SQL Solution. The Azure SQL Health Check can be run on an Azure SQL Database, an Azure SQL Managed Instance or a SQL

Top 10 SQL Server Performance Tuning Tips

Top 10 SQL Server Performance Tuning Tips for On-Premises and Virtualised SQL Servers I have been thinking recently about what is the most effective changes you can make to a SQL Server system and subsequently how these changes rank for importance. Maybe it’s all those Youtube videos I watch, so here are our Top 10 SQL Performance Tuning tips in reverse order… It’s a tough call because let’s say missing